Actually, quite well!
To ensure that I didn’t sugar coat things for you through my rose colored glasses, I asked the girls for their opinions.
“Is there anything that you miss about your other home or room?”
~ both girls couldn’t think of a thing!
“Is there anything that you miss?”
~ again, nothing!
“OK, let’s try this a different way. What do you like about being here?”
~ flood gates open with this question =) “There is more to do” “That we are closer together” “The birds” “That we can go to the movies more since it costs less” “That we get to share a room” “It’s easy to keep the house clean and find everything” “This house is awesome! How could anyone not like living here?”
So there you have it. It’s going well and everyone, including the dog and bird, have adjusted very well. The girls have new friends in the neighborhood and at camp. Ella’s new friend proudly presented her with a bracelet this morning when I dropped them off for camp and the look of pure joy on her face pretty much summed up our experience so far.
As for myself, I am very happy here. While projects updating the house have made things slightly less simple, I have had time to plant some lavender ( Teagan’s and my current obsession) strawberries and grow celery, green onions and romaine lettuce. Next year, I hope to have a full garden but my container gardening will keep my busy for now.
How is your simplifying going?