That’s right, free yoga thanks to Stayfree® They have made it so easy for you too, just go the myyoga.stayfree website where you can look up where to purchase products ( luckily TarJay, I mean Target, has them) upload a copy of your receipt and start 30 days of free yoga with Gaiam. As much as I love to go to the studio, there are times that it’s just not possible ( like today while I’m home with a sick kiddo) but that doesn’t mean that my practice has to suffer. I can roll out my mat and get my ohm on at home, and you can too for free. Here is my little home set-up, it looks so much like the one on the site, don’t ya think? Then I can quickly stream classes on my mac or tv.
Since you are going to need feminine products anyway, why not stock up on Stayfree and get some free yoga while you’re at it. I like the Ultra Thin with wings, they stay put and are flexible enough to move with you from sun salutations to warrior pose. But hurry up, this awesome offer ends March 15th! I’ve been using online yoga classes for 2 years now and Gaiam is definitely the best. From complete beginner to seriously advanced, they have it all. Right now, as my life is complete chaos, the I am love collection has been a huge help. I’m curious to hear, have you ever tried an online yoga class? Disclaimer, this is a sponsored post on behalf of Stayfree® and Sverve, as usual, all opinions are my own.