If only there was an easy answer to that question. The truth is that what it means to me is probably different than what it means to you and that’s great!
It’s a personal definition though it does include some common principles. The short answer: Intentionally living with less by choice.
By CHOICE. That’s the part that got me thinking, just because we can afford something (like a big house) it doesn’t mean that we have to have it.
But most of us have done just that. We buy things because we can, we think that in some way it will make us and our family happy and when it doesn’t, what to we do? We buy even more stuff!
That is where I am. I have a big house complete with a 3 car garage and lots of rooms that we rarely use. Why am I telling you this? Because it’s an important part of my journey and a lot of you are in similar situations. We worked hard to get here. We are giving our families the best we can afford and we deserve all this stuff!
Well, I am completely overwhelmed with all of this stuff. I feel suffocated trying to take care of all of it. I am constantly cleaning, watering, organizing, cleaning again and I am not going to do it anymore. We have started as a family to EDIT our things. With so much crap, it is slow going, but it’s going. One drawer at a time, one cabinet at a time, one closet at a time and we have made progress which feels great. Keep in mind that simple living is a journey, not a destination.
Last week I mentioned that Graham Hill on the Today Show inspired me to further my journey because I really identified with his story about living in a big house. Is it really possible that I will be happier without the big house and all that goes with it? That goes against everything we have been taught and worked so hard for.
I have to tell you that some people in my neighborhood have my shaking my head in confusion. Not only have they filled their almost 3,000 square foot house with stuff, the have also filled the 3 car garage with stuff! There is so much stuff in the garage that guess what doesn’t fit. Yup, the CAR doesn’t fit into the 3 car garage!
So what do we do about it, how do we go about simplifying our lives? While I would love to run away to the woods, live off the grid and in harmony with the land, I can’t. I hope to be there someday, but for now I will simplify my home as much as possible, commit to conserve energy and green living, and most importantly I will think before I buy.
What one thing would you like to change to simplify your life?