The Artist’s Way Toolkit it based on the bestselling book series by Julia Cameron. Julia recommends two main exercises that will help to remove blocks and self-sabotaging tendencies: morning pages and artist’s dates. Morning pages are three pages of writing, performed daily, about anything at all. This exercise overcomes the writer’s internal censor and makes writing habitual, she claims. The artist’s date is a weekly block of two hours spent observing, experiencing, and sensing. The balance of the recording describes how the artist can overcome human tendencies such as jealousy, fear, and addiction. The toolkit provides you with a Contract, Thea Artists Date, Artist’s Way Exercises, Creativity Pages and Creativity Notes as tools to use on your creative journey.
I was really excited about this review and the toolkit only to feel quite lost as I logged onto the site. I was not familiar with Julia Cameron or the Artist Way series and I feel like that was my downfall. If you have read the books and enjoyed them, the toolkit could be a great addition to you writing activities. Providing an online journal and one place to keep all of your writing, notes and photos is a great idea if you spend a lot of time online. On the other hand, if you prefer to explore your artistic side outdoors, taking a laptop or tablet to your outdoor place may be a huge distraction. Julia Cameron and the Artists Way series have certainly inspired many people over the past few years and if you are one of those people, the Toolkit may be perfect for you.
I hope you check out the BlogHer book club for more on the Artist’s Way and other great books, it always has interesting discussions which are very easy to join!
I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are certainly my own.