It’s no secret that I like food. Not just food, but gorgeous, healthy, vitamin-rich and colorful food.
When I shop for food, I try to buy locally grown organics as much as possible.
Because I want to make sure my kids have healthy eating habits for the rest of their lives. I want them to eat a rainbow of healthy pesticide free foods. I want them to understand that we REALLY are what we eat and fruits and veggies reduce their risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
But not everyone has the same choices that I do. A bag of potato chips costs less than apples. A 2 liter of soda is 99 cents and a bottle of apple juice is $3-4! With so many Americans on a tight budget, those dollars add up quickly and if you are hungry, you are going to get what you can afford.
I’m sure you are thinking ” Well I already know that but what can I do about it?”
Great question and here is what YOU can DO!
Congress will soon vote on a new farm bill – the federal measure with the greatest impact on the food we eat. Currently, your tax dollars go to highly profitable agribusinesses that don’t need the help and to people who don’t live anywhere near a farm. The government does very little to help farmers grow organic fruits and vegetables.
Join me and let your voice be heard, sign the petition now.
What is your favorite place to buy organic produce, CSA, farmer’s market or grocery store?
Thanks to TakePart for sponsoring today’s discussion.