refreshing fridayUncategorized refreshing friday ~ drink to your health by Amanda July 27, 2012 written by Amanda July 27, 2012 Presented By ONEHOPE Wine Online Fifty Percent of Profits Go To Charity 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Amanda previous post strawberry margarita sorbet. next post refreshing friday ~ strawberry basil popsicles You may also like the new ubokia marketplace September 14, 2012 vegan shamrock shake March 9, 2012 strawberry and lime smoothie, a la sunny vegan September 7, 2012 spring smoothie – sparkling blackberry April 27, 2012 watermelon agua fresca May 18, 2012 banana oatmeal smoothie. March 27, 2012 Frozen Wine Cocktails September 2, 2012 why I love alphabet photography… November 11, 2012 spring pea salad with lemon vinaigrette April 29, 2013 champagne mojitos ~ perfect for brunch March 23, 2012